Friday, January 29, 2010

I Did it Again

So, I've made a film. Not necessarily a follow up to my show at the No-Exit Gallery, which I've discussed here previously, but a certain next thing.

I made it about a week ago. Last Saturday, January 23. In front of Dwayne and Gadsby's house. Dwayne and Morgan were there, so they're the only ones who have seen it. Sort of.

I made the film in my head. I screened it in my brain and described it to Dwayne and Morgan as immediately thereafter as possible.

We rode in the back of Matt's new pickup truck with Gadsby's chiminea alight. Dwayne and Morgan and I. So clearly, it was something of a collaborative process. In fact, Jill shot some of the footage from a car driving along side our truck, on our left.

We drove the car around town for a while, rather swiftly. There was much wind and the according sounds.

So, far, I am certain that the film has to do with the indigenous primitivism of behavior instilled in and subsequently relished by the American male.

And I can't help but think that it has to do with color, because of the black truck and the earthen tones of the chiminea and the color of the flames.

I believe that Jill's shooting of some footage has to do with the inversion of the usual masculine-feminine dialectic of technical expertise in the making of an artistic object, but, to be honest, I'm quite certain that there is much more to Jill's participation than just the easy stuff.

And, as per protocol, I'm still trying to come to some position on the material presence of the art object, here manifest through film as both medium and behavior, as required for the viewing experience.

I think the next step will be to have a retrospective.

Super Bowl Update #2

As we begin the festivities with the Senior Bowl on Saturday and the Pro Bowl on Sunday, I think it is essential that we all consider one thing.

In his biography of Michelangelo, Giorgio Vasari discusses the artist in unhesitatingly Messianic terms.

As the media further deepens its onslaught of football-related media, it is essential for us all to be careful to avoid doing the same.

Despite the individuo-mania of this weekend's exhibitions, this is a team game.

Discussing football players amidst Messianic implications does harm to the player, and it does harm to the team.

Let's leave poor Peyton alone from this point forward so that he can concentrate on the game. If he leads the Colts to victory, only then may we recommence the hyperbolic linguistic gymnastics.

But from now until someone is lifting the trophy, no more.